Shawn Williams

The 48th Annual International Trumpet Guild Conference
Anaheim, CA

Shawn Williams

Session: Jazz Improvisation for the Classically Trained Trumpet Player

Shawn Williams is Assistant Professor of Jazz Trumpet at the University of Northern Colorado. Dr. Williams also serves as jazz trumpet faculty at the Stanford Jazz Workshop and is the Associate Director of the Mile High Freedom Bands in Denver, Colorado.

Dr. Williams has gained nationwide attention through his involvement with the National Trumpet Competition, where he was a finalist in 2011, 2015 and 2016. He previously held the jazz trumpet chair in the Glenn Miller Orchestra and is featured on their latest album release In the Mood. Additionally, he travelled to Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and the South Pacific Islands as a trumpeter for Royal Caribbean Cruises. Most recently, Dr. Williams has performed with the Colorado Jazz Repertory Orchestra and the Colorado Jazz Orchestra. In 2019, he was invited to join the United States Air Force Academy Band and Falconaires Jazz Ensemble as a manning assist on multiple tours in Colorado, Alabama, and Georgia.

Dr. Williams completed a Bachelor of Music degree from California State University Northridge, a Master of Music from the Eastman School of Music, a Master of Arts degree from Santa Clara University, and a Doctor of Arts degree from the University of Northern Colorado. His doctoral dissertation Three in One: The Style, Structure, and Sound of Thad Jones as a Jazz Trumpeter, gives focus to the analysis of Thad Jones’ improvisation and composition style. Dr. Williams previously studied with Eric Bolvin, Bobby Shew, Dr. Howie Shear, Clay Jenkins, and Greg Gisbert.

Co-presenter: David Wharton

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